Dr.Müller Steve Apps

Medizin Quiz - Aufnahme Test 1.0
Dr.Müller Steve
Wollen Sie Medizin studieren und IhrWissenüber medizinrelevante Grundlagenfächer überprüfen, dann istdiesesQUIZ genau das Richtige für Sie.Das Medizin Quiz hilft Ihnen bei der ÜberprüfungIhrerBasis-Kenntnisse über medizinrelevante GrundlagenfächerinBiologie, Chemie, Physik und Biochemie im Single-undMultiple-Choice-Format.# Laien Quiz:Fragen für Laien zur Überprüfung Ihres medizinischen Wissens.# Kategorie Quiz - für PROFIS:Biochemie [Kostenlos]Laien Fragen [Kostenlos]Biologie BMS [Kostenlos]# Inapp Käufe:Biologie BMS - Aufnahmetest [50 Fragen]Physik [50 Fragen]HNO [50 Fragen]Entwicklungsbiologie [30 Fragen]Laien Fragen II [140 Fragen]Do you want tostudymedicine and check your knowledge of medicine relevantbasicsubjects, then this QUIZ is just right for you.The Medical Quiz helps you to check your basic knowledge ofmedicinerelevant basic courses in biology, chemistry, physicsandbiochemistry in single- and multiple-choice format.# Laity Quiz:Questions for laymen to check your medical knowledge.Category # Quiz - for PROFESSIONALSBiochemistry [Free]Laymen questions [Free]Biology BMS [Free] # InApp purchases:Biology BMS - Recording Test [50 questions]Physics [50 questions]ENT [50 questions]Developmental biology [30 questions]Lay Questions II [140 Questions]
Laboratory values Pro 2
Laboratory values Pro gives bothnon-medicalreaders and health professionals a fast-navigable andclearlystructured overview of the main routine laboratoryparameters andpossible causes of their increase and decrease. Thelaboratoryvalues are clearly arranged, alphabetically ordered andquicklylocated in the menu. The standard values are specified bothin theold units and SI units. For each laboratory value ashortinformation is quickly retrievable. The individual briefingsaregenerally formulated to understand and give an overview oftheindications, function and task of each laboratory value.Basiclaboratory values gives the user an overview of the mainroutinelaboratory parameters including hematology, blood count,clinicalchemistry, coagulation, Quick, INR, electrolytes, tumormarkers andblood gas analysis. The program enables besides theclassicscrolling a quick navigation between the laboratory name,anabbreviation of the laboratory value, normal range of the valueanddifferential-diagnostic interpretation of increase and decreaseofthe value. An additional search bar allows you tosearchspecifically for the desired laboratory value.
Dr.Müller Steve
The EMERGENCY app for doctors, paramedics and emergency doctors
Laboratory Lab values Pro 5 1.0
Dr.Müller Steve
Normal Lab ​​values - Your Blood Test Guide - Lab Value Rerence
Anästhesie Basic 1.1
Dr.Müller Steve
Anesthesia emergency checklist - medication - anesthesia outpatientclinic - break times
Laborwerte Pro 3.2
Dr.Müller Steve
Laboratory Values ​​Pro provides quick and easy information aboutnumerous blood laboratory values.
Hausarzt Pro - Grippe Edition 1.0
Dr.Müller Steve
Gripal infect? Running nose? Sore throat? - Family doctor Pro canhelp you
Laborwerte Pro 3.2
Dr.Müller Steve
Laboratory Values ​​Pro provides quick and easy information aboutnumerous blood laboratory values.
Notfallmedikamente Pro - NEW E 3.1
Dr.Müller Steve
Emergency / Rescue Medication - Own Medication Add Favorites Menu
Schmerztherapie 1.6
Dr.Müller Steve
The practical guide for your practice
Kinderanästhesie XS 1.0
Dr.Müller Steve
The most important children's emergencies and medication alwayswithyou
Laboratory Lab Values Pro 2.1
Dr.Müller Steve
Normal lab ​​values - Your blood test guide - Lab value reference